Monday, May 27, 2019


Γεια σας

Well it was a great week this week. 

So last Tuesday we had District Council and then just a good normal day.

Wednesday we had a couple of meetings and then in the evening we had a dinner appointment with the webbs it was nice.

Thursday we had our first lesson with a guy named Giannis he is an interesting guy that believes in the 12 Gods of ancient Greece and so we had our first lesson and it went really well when we bore testimony it was really cool.

Friday we had a good day and meetings again and then in the evening we got transfer calls and I will be going to Agios Dimitrios where I started to end my mission and I will be with Elders Roffler and Ioannou I am super stoked!

Saturday was a good day we in the evening met up with Kosta and went to a place called cap cap and it is a Harry Potter cafe and it was cool and i got a butterbeer Haha. Then me and Kosta went to another lesson with Gianni it was a good lesson about prayer and God's love.

Sunday was a great day we went to church and also our friend named Giannis came to church with us and had some good questions in Sunday school. After we went and saw the Thorntons so that Elder Balser could say goodbye and had a good time.

Today we went off to an island called Salamina and one if the members has a house there and we had a BBQ it was sweet.

Well that was my week and it was a good one.

Με αγάπη,

Πρεσβύτερος Χάλβερσον


And one from today

Last district council with the district

We may have set off the fire alarm whoops.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Γεια σας!!

So this week was a good one so let's get to this.

Last Tuesday we had our district council and then we started an exchange me and Elder Zizzi went out to Piraeus with Elder Mueller and we had a good time we got to go and see Hami again she hasn't changed much since we left but it was good to see her again.

Wednesday we ended our exchange and then had a good solid day of finding and we also got to see Elder Fasa who came back to visit.

Thursday we had a good day we met up with a lot of friends which was good and were able to start teaching a young couple which was good we hope that they grow more interest. Then in the evening we went and visited Hedy which was nice.

Friday we had a good day of missionary work and tried out some door knocking for the first time and maybe there is a reason that nobody does it but we are going to try again at a different time to see if we can get it to work out better. Then in the evening we had a surprise birthday party for Sister Thornton and it was good we went and helped set up and then had a good time with all the members.

Saturday was great we went over to Hedy's again and we were able to learn how to make spring rolls it was sick. Then in the evening we had a youth activity it was great we were able to get all the youth out which was really cool we played a slot of speed and not gonna lie my basket skills are a bit rusty or maybe it was just the tie I don't know.

Sunday was another amazing sabbath we had a lot of church and then after we did a split with the youth and were able to have a couple of lessons which was sick and one of the ladies wants to be baptized which is so cool.

Today we had a good p-day we went up to Likavitos again and then went and got food with the zone it was a fun day.

Well you should all know that God loves you more than you can ever know and I hope you have a great week.

Με αγάπη,

Πρεσβύτερος Χάλβερσον

Pics from spring rolls and from today

Monday, May 13, 2019


Γεια σας!!

So this week was great so let's get to it.

Last Tuesday we had a meeting with our friend Vasilis the one that wanted to be baptized and he told us that he had changed his mind and that he was Pentecostal and then demonstrated how he could pray in tongues and blessed Elder Zizzi and not gonna lie it was kinda scary.

Then Wednesday we had a youth activity and we did a mission prep and it was fun we split them into companionships and gave them  certain  budget and then had a cooking competition it was a lot of fun and the youth had a good time.

Thursday and Friday were good days of finding and we made a lot of good friends that we will be meeting with this week!

Saturday we had a good day some of the members took us to a food festival it was awesome they just had a bunch of street food in the same place so it was sick we got a lot of good food.

Sunday was a good sabbath we did splits with a service group and it was crazy just walking around Athens with a group of American college students looking for less actives it made me laugh. Also I got to talk with my mom.for mothers day and that was awesome she is the best can never thank her enough!!

That was my week it was good and filled with just fun little moments to many to write.

Με αγάπη,

Πρεσβύτερος Χάλβερσον

Pics: food festival, we visited a friend in the hospital and helped him do some δουλίτσες.

Monday, May 6, 2019


Γεια σας!

Well it was for sure a good week

Last Tuesday we realized that we had made this huge members list on Google maps and told all the missionaries to go and visit the members in their areas and we had made some mistakes so we had to run to the church to get that all fixed so that people didn't go around looking for people that didn't exist haha whoops.

Wednesday we had a good day we ate a ton of food so we had lessons throughout the day and so we made a big lunch and just started to eat and one of the members texted us saying "don't eat we are going out" and so yeah we just decided not to waste the food and eat it and then we went out just a little while later and had some more food and I don't know if I have ever felt so full I thought I was going to explode. Then we also met up with Tasos and Spyros in the evening and organized to start up a group that we are going to be doing in the center of Athens so that was pretty cool.

Thursday we had a good day of some solid missionary work and we also got to meet up with a guy named George who is amazing he is such a faithful man and has a family it is super awesome and we hope that things will go forward with him.

Friday we had a great day we met up with some friends and then did some searching for the inactive members that we had on our lists. 

Saturday was good we had a youth activity in the evening which went really well we just had games and music and pizza and it was the first time since I have been back that the members just were loose it was really cool we hope that we can do more things like this to help out the members.

Sunday we had a great Sabbath we went to church in the morning and we show up at church and our friend from last week just randomly came we had tried to drop him but he came again and had his coffee in hand, then randomly in testimony meeting he just walks up to the front and says "Christ will take all the witnesses" and doesn't even go up to the pulpit just the front and then walks out to have a smoke haha.

So that was my week sorry didn't take any pics this week so here is a quick selfie while doing email. 
Just know things are great and things are hopefully going to start moving soon here in Athens!

Με αγάπη,

Πρεσβύτερος Χάλβερσον